Were you a cheer leader ? Or a nerd ? Or were you just invisible.
High School, everybody goes through this. It could be a dream or a nightmare. If you’re Ms Popular - pretty, smart, dated the jock, then life is just peachy. The Nerds on the other hand is exempt from the dilemma of achieving passing grades. So all that’s left is “Invisible” you & me. That would be everybody else who needs to study real hard to pass, who has a hard time finding a date for prom night, and who graduates unnoticed.
This movie speaks of the invisible who turned out great, VP for marketing to be exact. Vis a Vis the Cheer Leader in contrast winds up living a pretty ordinary life. I guess having a hard time in high school can push you to want more, to do more. It may seem so terrible at the time but in the end you reap the rewards of your efforts, thus making you no longer invisible !
BUT what if the Bully who made life hell for you & pushed you to do so great so that you'd forget all the tears and humiliation of high school is marrying your brother ? Homecoming is like a nightmare, it's like high school all over again, and the painful part is everybody adores her.STOP !!! Don't you people know who she is ! She ruined my life ! or did she ?