The story centers on a washed-up tennis pro named Peter Colt (played by Paul Bettany), an English professional Tennis Player in his thirties whose ranking has
slipped from 11th to 119th in the world, considers he never really had
to fight for anything as his wealthy but not close family easily put him
through studies and allowed him to pursue his Tennis ambitions and an up-and-coming tennis star named Lizzie Bradbury (played by Kirsten Dunst) the American rising star of female tennis during the Wimbledon Championships.
I've been wanting to see this movie since I saw it's preview in one of my daughter's DVD collection, lucky enough it was shown at @2ndavenue during one of those days when you think there's simply nothing good showing on TV.
I love it ! From start to finish. It was simple, it was romantic, & it was realistic. It's all about a young girl who saw this guy long time ago when she was watching a tennis game & just fell in love with him. So when she was finally all grown up . . she didn't hesitate! There were bumps & bruises along the way of the relationship but hey what relationship doesn't. All that matters is the "happy ending" where after winning the game he retires from tennis. He and Lizzie get married, and
with his support, Lizzie goes on to win the U.S. Open and Wimbledon
twice, ultimately achieving her dreams. In the last scene, Peter is with
their youngest child, a boy, watching Lizzie and their eldest child, a
girl, playing tennis together on a neighborhood court in New York City SIGH SIGH SIGH
The film is dedicated to Mark McCormack, who died on 16 May 2003 after suffering cardiac arrest four months earlier.